Stand Like Stone Board member call out

NEW BOARD: Stand Like Stone are welcoming expressions of interest for new board members. Picture: FILE.

STAND Like Stone is currently seeking expressions of interest for new Board members, passionate about wanting to give back to their community.

Stand Like Stone chief executive officer Roger Babolka was excited to hear from those that may be interested a position on the Board.

“The Foundation is looking to add to its volunteer Board and is keen to hear from those who have a passion for the Limestone Coast, and have skills that will add value to the organisation,” he said.

The Stand Like Stone Foundation was established in 2004 to create a community fund, to benefit the region in perpetuity.

The Foundation, one of only 5 community foundations in South Australia, offers individuals, families, groups, corporations and not-for-profit organisations a way of giving back to the community that they care about.

“Donations to Stand Like Stone are held in trust and invested to maximise income and it’s the income earned that is then granted in the form of community grants for charitable projects

and scholarships to local individuals”, Mr Babolka said.

Australia’s community foundations serve a population of approximately 8,500,000 people, operate across 120 Local Government areas and have over $450 million under philanthropic management between them.

Community foundations are place-based, community-led philanthropic organisations.

More than 80 per cent of Australia’s 45 community foundations are based in rural and regional Australia, and philanthropic investments through the foundations are directed to benefit the local community each foundation serves.

Mr Babolka outlined the requirements of a director, saying the rules are “very straightforward.”

“An individual person (not a body corporate), be at least 18 years of age and not be disqualified from managing corporations,” he said.

“As for the role of a director, you’re required to act with all the care and diligence that a reasonable person might be expected to show in the role and act in good faith and in the best interests of the organisation.

“We’re seeking individuals that are connected to this region, have a good understanding of what makes the region tick, but equally important, having an understanding of what the challenges are for the Limestone Coast”, said Mr Babolka.

For further details on the volunteer Director role, go to or contact the Foundation on (08) 7701 9259.