Successful shave

BEFORE: Nutrien merchandise manager Girad Williams and stock agent Cody Benson raised a signficant amount of money for the Do it for Dolly campaign. Pictures: CHARLOTTE VARCOE

Charlotte Varcoe

THE Mount Gambier Saleyards not only attracted sales for cattle on Friday, it also attracted deep pockets for the Do it for Dolly campaign.

Nutrien stock agent Cody Benson braved the Limestone Coast winter after shaving his head at the saleyards in order to raise funds for the mental health initiative.

Mr Benson was joined by Nutrien merchandise manager Girad Williams who also shaved his head as well as his beard in the Mount Gambier/Berrin store the same afternoon.

Together, the two raised about $3500 for the national charity.

Mr Benson said the result was fantastic as well as the support on the day.

“When we decided to sit down and hook up the clippers there was a fair crowd,” Mr Benson said.

“Everyone was taking photos and videos and once we got the job done and the locks came off everyone had a smile on their face.”

He said everyone also celebrated the shave as well as the cause with many donating on the spot.

“I was pretty happy with the result and how much everyone got around it because it was good to see,” Mr Benson said.

“Shaving the head and having that crowd around was a highlight especially everyone wearing their Nutrien blue shirts.

“Having that support from everyone and seeing everyone having a joke and laughing while also bringing awareness to the cause was a main highlight.”

Mr Williams agreed, stating a highlight for him was the shave as he felt happy with the outcome.

“I was happy with the number of people who turned up for the cut and the amount of money we have raised,” Mr Williams said.

“A highlight was shaving my head as I have never had a bald head before but the support was the main thing.”

With the two now needing beanies for the coming winter, they thanked all who were involved, donated and supported the cause.

Those wishing to still donate are able to do so by visiting Dolly’s Dream website and searching Nutrien Mount Gambier.