Ministers meet with businesses

MEETING: Small and Family Business Minister Andrea Michaels, Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development Clare Scriven, Mount Gambier Chamber of Commerce board members Matt Kain and Kylie Holland, David Fox, Jessica Herring, Ruth Stephenson, Pariya Ziakas and Barry Stafford. Picture: SUPPLIED

Charlotte Varcoe

MINISTER for Small and Family Business Andrea Michaels met with the Mount Gambier Chamber of Commerce over the weekend.

During the visit Ms Michaels and Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development Clare Scriven discussed the economic landscape in Mount Gambier/Berrin with local business owners including the “unique opportunities” and challenges for businesses in the region.

The ministers also discussed support available to small businesses through the Small Business Strategy with initiatives that tailor towards business fundamentals program, small business support officers and women in business.

Chamber of Commerce president Candice Fennell said it was honoured to host the Ministers’ visit to Mount Gambier/Berrin and engage in “productive discussions” about the opportunities and challenges facing local businesses.

“It is a valuable opportunity to highlight the innovative spirit and entrepreneurial drive that defines our community,” Ms Fennell said.

Ms Michaels said small businesses were the “lifeblood” of regional communities such as Mount Gambier/Berrin.

“It was fantastic to discuss the opportunities and challenges being experienced by local small business owners and to be able to outline the support available with the Mount Gambier Chamber of Commerce members as well as other local small business owners,” she said.

Ms Scriven also commented on the meeting stating the government had long recognised the importance of the Limestone Coast regions to the state’s economy and she was “delighted” regional businesses took up the opportunity to meet with them.