New tune for local indie duo

NEW TRACK: Josh and Michael of Sexy-As-Shit. Picture: SUPPLIED/BIANCA HENDY.

Melanie Riley

MOUNT GAMBIER/Berrin indie music duo Sexy As Shit are soon set to release their new song, ‘White Rabbit.’

Members Josh King and Michael Collins said the music for the song came together quite quickly, but they had worked on the lyrics for a couple of months before they were happy with them.

“We were in the studio playing around with some synthesisers when we found the samba setting on an old Casio and the chorus just happened like magic,” Mr King said.

Mr Collins said the inspiration for the song came from several artists the duo were listening to at the time.

“We were listening to the Pet Shop Boys, Basement Jaxx, and Jefferson Airplane at the time,” Mr Collins said.

“It’s fair to say we robbed them all blind while we were writing the song.”

‘White Rabbit’ is a tune audiences will want to boogie to, and Mr King said the lyrics of the track are “fragmentary” and “more image based” than a standard narrative.

“It’s about moments in life when everything focuses and becomes clear, and even if you don’t agree with the way things are happening they still make sense, no matter how sad it might be,” he said.

Mr King described the new track’s vibe as “dancey,” and the duo are excited to get their audience up and moving.

“Ideally we would like to have everyone dancing and crying at the same time,” he said.

The song has been part of the duo’s live set since November, but ‘White Rabbit’ is officially out next week, March 1.

Check out the track at the The Globe Hotel tonight from 8.30pm, where the boys are playing as support to Kane Stuckey with local bands Stokes and GERNZ.