Christmas appeal a success

COMMUNITY APPEAL: Mayor Lynette Martin with Uniting Care representative Laura Kilsby, Mount Gambier Community Mayor’s Christmas Appeal Committee representative Suzanne Roberts, representatives Trish Spark and Deanne Swift, Salvation Army representative John Douglas and St Vincent de Paul representative John D’Souza. Picture: Supplied

Sophie Conlon

City of Mount Gambier mayor Lynette Martin confirmed another successful Mayor’s Christmas Appeal during council’s January meeting.

“We are just finalising totals now and it looks like it is going to come in a bit over $40,000,” she said.

“Roughly where we landed last year which I was quite pleased about.”

Ms Martin said she was worried about meeting targets for the 2023 appeal with cost of living pressures felt around the region.

“Last year was certainly one of the most needy that there’s been since I have been mayor,” she said.

“There are so many more registrations for help, so I was very pleased that we’ve reached that, I look forward to getting the final figure shortly.”