headspace open over festive period

CHRISTMAS OPENING: headspace Mount Gambier community engagement officer Nick McInerny is encouraging those in need to visit the facility over the festive period. Picture: FILE

Charlotte Varcoe

MENTAL health services will still be available over the Christmas and New Year period with headspace Mount Gambier continuing its Talk Soon program.

Those in need will be able to call or walk into the local headspace office and receive support on the spot.

Community engagement officer Nick McInerny said the headspace office will be open between Christmas and New Year to provide support for people.

“It is not so much the regular ongoing appointments, it is more for the things people may be dealing with on that day or things that have popped up over the weekend,” Mr McInerney said.

“We know it is a tough time so people can access this free, fast support and we understand there would be people who do need this service.”

He said if people did not need the service that would be fantastic but headspace staff understood there was a likelihood of support needed.

“People will need some sort of support throughout that time and we are here to provide that,” Mr McInerny said.

“We will be open from 9am and people can come in and be able to speak with somebody.

“It is important for people to be able to access something over the Christmas and New Year period and we feel it is important for people to access it in a method they would prefer.”

He said if people preferred to meet in person that option was available as well as over the phone.

“We feel people not having to wait too long throughout what could be a difficult time for some people is important,” he said.

“It’s important for people to not have to carry it over until places reopen after Christmas or contact somebody over the phone if there is nowhere accessible,” Mr McInerny said.

“This year for headspace has been business as usual, we have been well supported by our community in regards to various events and donations which we are always appreciative of.

“We are working hard to try and invest that back into the community through various program but we feel we are steadily going along nicely and people are coming through our doors as they need to which is really great.”

The Mount Gambier headspace office will be available for the Talk Soon program on December 27, 28 and 29.