Workshop promotes soil health

SOIL HEALTH: The free Forest Soils Workshop will highlight ways to enhance forest productivity, through building an understanding of the relationship between soil characteristics and forest productivity. Picture: Supplied

The Limestone Coast Landscape Board (LCLB) is encouraging people to join a workshop exploring the dynamics of forest soils for wood production and the implications of soil health for silviculture management practices.

The free Forest Soils Workshop will highlight ways to enhance forest productivity, through building an understanding of the relationship between soil characteristics and forest productivity.

LCLB soil extension officer Ehsan Sayad said the workshop was a chance to gain practical ways of boosting forestry production whilst making economic savings.

“Forest management can boost wood production by understanding soil type and soil characteristics, and then managing the plantation accordingly.

“It makes economic and environmental sense to only apply fertiliser where and when it is needed,” he said.

Dr Sayad said he would be joined by Binoy Sarkar, a leading authority on biochar projects, and Barrie May, an expert in forestry soil testing requirements.

“They will share their knowledge and insights into harnessing biochar to bolster soil fertility,” he said.

“They will discuss soil testing requirements for informed fertiliser decision-making.

“I will be presenting the results of the latest soil relationship trial to better understand the effects of soil constraints on plantation management.”

The free workshop will be held December 5 in Mount Gambier, for registration and further details, visit