McBride praises national parks

PRAISE TO PARKS: Member for MacKillop Nick McBride has praised the national parks within the Limestone Coast, including Bool Lagoon. Picture: File

MEMBER for MacKillop Nick McBride has praised the 68 national parks and conservation reserves in his electorate during Parliament recently.

Mr McBride spoke to the chamber in response to acknowledgement of the two-year anniversary of Cleland National Park becoming a national park.

Stating he was in support of the “importance of recognising the environmental, cultural and social value” of the state’s national parks, Mr McBride continued to commend the previous government for initiating a study which “provided insight” into the contribution of national parks to the state.

Mr McBride also noted the national parks and conservations within his electorate which generates $35m to regional economies and supports more than 100 jobs in the private sector.

“They contain features and landscapes containing vegetation, flora and fauna unique to the area,” Mr McBride said.

“They allow for a multitude of activities to occur, such as fishing, boating, hunting, camping, walking, birdwatching and windsurfing.”

He also commented on the Naracoorte Caves, which received more than 90,000 visitors during 2022, while other areas such as coastal parks of Little Dip, Beachport and Canunda continue to attract visitors.

“We have a beautiful balance which exists in the region, where the portion of parks that are set aside to conserve our vegetation provide refuge for our birds and fauna species,” Mr McBride said.

“They also allow recreation use for tourists, complementing the developed world they sit amongst.”

He also praised on Bool Lagoon which provides a refuge and breeding environment for hundreds of bird species.

“This balance is further supported by recent discoveries of fauna, including the spotted-tail quoll near Beachport,” Mr McBride said.

“This endangered marsupial has not been seen in the region for 130 years, raising hope that a local population may exist.

“Populations of the southern bent-wing bat continue to be discovered and they have the amazing ability to consume three-quarters of their body weight in insects each day, an example of a natural predator coexisting with surrounding primary production.”