Out of this world success

TOP PRIZE: Ardun was happy to take home the top prize. Picture: SUPPLIED.

Melanie Riley

LOCAL primary School students have been successful recently in the Space to Dream design thinking challenge, with a Yahl student being named the winner.

Students were asked to design a toy or gadget for a child their age who was travelling to Mars.

Used by engineers and designers all over the world, design thinking is done in a 5-step approach, and encourages students to problem solve, understand people’s needs and come up with effective solutions to meet those needs.

Space to Dream is recommended for students in years 2-8 and can be completed in 2-5 lessons.

The 3D designs by the students were created using software by Makers Empire, an Adelaide-based provider of digital learning programs across Australia and overseas.

Makers Empire is also a sponsor of the Space to Dream design challenge and donated the winner’s prize of a 3D printer for this year.

Year 6 student Ardun Green from Yahl Primary School created the winning design, and Melaleuca Park Primary School student William Bovell created a top-rated entry.

Ardun’s design the ‘Soccer dome’ was created to make its own gravity so a child on Mars can practice their soccer skills and keep fit.

He was thrilled to win the top prize for his design.

“I wasn’t expecting to win this competition and when Mrs Ham, my IT teacher, called me to tell me the news I was really shocked and excited,” he said.

“The challenge was really good fun and winning was just an extra bonus.

“I am happy that Yahl Primary School got a 3D printer as the prize for me winning. It has arrived at the school already so we are looking forward to using it. “

William’s ‘Turtle design’ has multiple components including an umbrella that protects you from acid rain and the head has an oxygen mask to help breathe.

It has drills and anchors to keep you attached to the ground and it has a hammer to help you break through rocks.

William said he was surprised by his top placing design and was very happy.

“I was not expecting to get chosen because there are a lot of people in South Australia,” he said.

“When Mrs Schultz told me in front of everyone that I was selected, everyone looked at me and I felt happy and proud of my design.”

Both designs will be printed into 3D models and will then join an exhibition at the Australian Space Agency Discovery Centre from December 2023 to January 2024.

They will also be part of a travelling exhibition in libraries across metro and regional SA throughout 2024.