Limestone Coast mentioned in Parliament

LIMESTONE COAST PRAISE: Premier Peter Malinauskas has once again praised the Limestone Coast.

PREMIER Peter Malinauskas once again praised the Limestone Coast during Parliament this week.

Mr Malinauskas answered a question from Member for MacKillop Nick McBride during sitting week regarding the recent Country Cabinet meeting.

“In both the community forum and all the different engagements that we had around it [Country Cabinet] there were some really serious issues raised by members of the member for MacKillop’s constituency,” Mr Malinauskas said.

“There are many parts of the region and his community that continue to thrive and do well, given the very productive sectors and industries they represent.

“There are some very successful farmers and business leaders and entrepreneurs in the area, but there are also some elements of the community who are doing it a bit tough, including primary producers, particularly beef – or particularly lamb, in fact – who have seen a significant reduction in price recently on the back of a whole range of variables.”

He said the wine sector in the region and around Coonawarra was also having a “particularly difficult time” as well as the seafood sector.

“We have not heard any news come out of China recently regarding movement on lobster tariffs, although I think there is reason for great optimism in that regard,” Mr Malinauskas said.

“There was also an opportunity on the back of Country Cabinet for the government – following the advocacy from the member for MacKillop—to really try to deliver on a few issues that we know have been bubbling away in the South-East not just for the last few months but, really, years on years.

“The big one that has been lingering for a long time is a lack of mobile phone coverage of any quality throughout the Limestone Coast.”