Club goes ahead in leaps and bounds

Millicent Gymnastics Club members reap the benefits of the sport's growing popularity. Picture supplied.

The Millicent Gymnastics Club is going from strength to strength with membership more than tripling in the past 18 months.

Club manager Fiona McDonald said in 2021 the club had about 40 members; today it has about 200.

“Offering additional session days and classes has proven popular,” Ms McDonald said.

“We offer flexibility in what we deliver, catering for various groups, including tailoring activities for NDIS participants.”

Ms McDonald said the support from the community has been tremendous.

“Adults have been embracing gymnastics contrary to the perception that gymnastics is only for young children,” she said.

“The age group ranges from four months to 61 years old, with people travelling from as far away as Keith, Naracoorte, Robe and Mount Gambier.”

Gym members were busy last week clearing the Mary Whitehead Hall making way for the annual Millicent Show.

“It’s a huge task and more than 30 members helped pack all the gym gear away for the weekend,” Ms McDonald said.

“We have some amazing gear including equipment donated from the Sydney 2000 Olympics.”

Ms McDonald hoped that, in the future, the club will be able to negotiate with the Show Society to provide gymnastics displays during the show weekend in the hall.

“Given the growing popularity of gymnastics in the region, I’m confident that a display will provide mutual benefit by attracting more people to the Millicent Show and promoting physical activity to the wider community,” she said.

“Along with physical benefits, gymnastics assists in building confidence and inadvertently strengthen an individual’s mental health.”