Pasin cooks up a storm for charity

FUNDRAISING: More than $1000 was raised through Member for Barker Tony Pasin's Big Aussie BBQ. Picture: Supplied

With help from the community, Member for Barker Tony Pasin has raised more than $1000 for the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia through hosting a Big Aussie BBQ.

“Every September since 2015, I’ve held a Big Aussie BBQ to support our local Prostate Cancer Support Group and the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia raise funds and awareness,” he said.

He thanked the community and local businesses who helped him raise the money and awareness.

“Thanks to the generosity of our community, and the volunteer effort of the local Prostate Cancer Support Group we have raised thousands of dollars for the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia,” he said.

“But most importantly, we’ve had hundreds of conversations over the BBQ over the years and if just one of those conversations led to an early diagnosis that saved a life – it’s all worth it.”

Mr Pasin has hosted the Big Aussie BBQ every year since attending one in Canberra in 2014.

“It was at that BBQ in 2014 that the startling facts about the diagnosis and death rate of prostate cancer were made plain to me – it is the most common cancer diagnosed in Australian men,” he said.