Honouring William

PAYING TRIBUTE: Grant Wallace is looking forward to the William Wallace Memorial Cruise he is hosting in memory of his son and to raise money for CFSA. Picture: Sophie Conlon

Sophie Conlon

Grant Wallace is busy polishing up his 1958 Ford Customline in preparation for one of the most important car runs on his calendar this year.

In honour of his late son, Mr Wallace has organised the William Wallace Memorial Cruise to raise money for Cystic Fibrosis South Australia (CFSA)

William passed in 2018 at 25-years-old and this year the biannual event will coincide with what would be his 30th birthday.

“His birthday was on Saturday the 23rd and we’ll be having the cruise on the Sunday,” Mr Wallace said.

Mr Wallace said he puts the emotion of the day aside and just focused on honouring William’s memory.

“It’s to celebrate my son passing and remember what he has done in his lifetime,” he said.

One thing William loved was being a part of the Lake City Rodders and his Ford Model A 1930 Coupe and from that love Mr Wallace said the memorial cruise was born.

“We go from the clubrooms, which is on Hastings Cunningham Reserve, round to the cemetery to pass our respects on, and then we go for a cruise,” he said.

“This year we’re going out down through Donovans, through to Nelson and then back around to Port Mac and back to the clubrooms.”

After the run returns participants will be able to have a barbeque lunch, bid in an auction, and hope to win a raffle prize, with all funds going to CFSA.

Mr Wallace said he focused on making the day enjoyable, rather than setting monetary goals, as any donation was a good one.

“Whatever we raise is whatever we get,” he said.

With past events in 2019 and 2021 Mr Wallace has previously raised about $6000 for CFSA and said it felt great to pay tribute to his son in this way.

He said William had put up a good fight against CF and it was good to have his memory live on through the run.

“He’s remembered as being a nice, really laid back kid,” he said.

“He didn’t complain too much, in his life he had a lot of hospital stays and he just took it in his stride, it was something he just had to do.”

Funds from the event will help CFSA in undertaking research and improving the quality of life for people living with CF.

The William Wallace Memorial Cruise will be held Sunday, September 24, and leave from Lake City Rodders clubrooms, Hastings Cunningham Reserve at 11am. $10 per person which will include barbeque lunch and drink.