Page recognised for contributions

REMEMBERED: Stand Like Stone Foundation has renamed two of it's funds in honour of the late Brian Page.

STAND Like Stone Foundation has renamed two of it’s funds in honour of the late Brian Page.

The Foundations founding donor, Patron, long term supporter, and philanthropist, Mr Page passed away 12 months ago.

Mr Page was extremely passionate about the Foundation and his generosity and kindness was certainly spread throughout the Limestone Coast.

Stand Like Stone foundation CEO Roger Babolka said, Brian’s passion was to support the youth in our region with their education.

“In doing so he and his wife Sue were the founding donors for the Educational Scholarship Funds that were set up for the Mount Gambier High School, Grant High School, Kingston Community School, Millicent High School and Keith Area School,” he said.

At the time of establishing the Millicent High School Sub Fund, Mr Page said that these schools had a connection to the Page Family and to Sue’s family (the Rundle Family) and hence they would like to

see opportunities made available for students connected to these schools.

“Brian always said that it is important to support the youth as they are the future to our community,” said Mr Babolka.

The Stand Like Stone Foundation Board is acknowledging Mr Page’s generous contribution since inception of the Foundation back in 2004.

In recognition of Brian’s contribution, they have re-named two of its Sub Funds to be the ‘Brian Page Focus on Youth Sub Fund’ and the ‘Brian Page Focus on Youth Educational Scholarship Sub Fund’.

Mr Babolka said the Board are very excited to recognise Brian’s contribution in this way, his name will remain forever and have a lasting impact.

The Brian Page Focus on Youth Sub Funds are there to provide funding for educational charitable projects and educational scholarships which will assist students identifying in the Limestone Coast at any level of education.

Mrs Sue Page said Stand Like Stone was definitely one of Brian’s major passions and he would be absolutely thrilled to have his name be part of such a fantastic and important aspect of the Foundation.