$50k to help artists

CITY ART: The 2022/2023 Creative Arts Fund assisted installation of a mural at Uniting Communities. Picture: Supplied

THERE is $50,000 in funding available for artists, not-for-profit organisations and community groups in Mount Gambier to increase the community’s social and economic well-being.

Supplied by the City of Mount Gambier, the funding was designed to support the delivery of creative public art projects within Mount Gambier/ Berrin.

Riddoch Arts and Cultural Centre acting manager Ben Kilsby said applications would be assessed on their ability to culturally enrich the city, build community and cultural capacity, and encourage cultural tourism.

“We encourage applicants to review and consider council’s key strategic documents when developing their application, including the CBD Guiding Principles, Public Art Strategy, Mount Gambier Culture and Heritage Plan, and Reconciliation Action Plan,” he said.

Applications should be for projects with a minimum total project cost of $3000 and can encompass art forms like performing and visual arts, literature, film, design, multimedia, history and heritage, festivals, performances, and public celebrations.

Draft submissions will be shortlisted by a panel and shortlisted applicants will work with the Riddoch Arts and Cultural Centre team to finalise their submission, including any formal paperwork required by council, finalisation of a budget, and any final project details.

Daft proposals are due by Monday, September 4, more information can be found on council’s website.