New CT Machine to hasten hospital services

INSTALLED: Fiona Dinham, Jeff Taylor, Barrie Moyle, Ron Ellis, Georgie Nolan, Pam Schubert, Brian Norcock and Anne Bierwirth. Picture by Neave Moore

Neave Moore

THE new CT scanner has been installed at the Naracoorte Hospital.

The machine was officially opened by members of the Naracoorte and Lucindale CT Trust, Benson Radiology representatives and hospital staff.

The CT machine was replaced in late May and is to provide a service to residents and patients in the upper south east.

Trust chair Georgie Nolan said they were very pleased to be in a position to replace the machine with something that is faster, more efficient and more effective for patients, including better picturing and lower radiation.

A member of the Trust said the machine’s placement in Naracoorte means residents of the upper-south east do not need to travel to Mount Gambier or other cities and can be seen closer to home if needed.

Chief officer of nursing and midwifery at the Naracoorte Health Service Pam Schubert said the hospital and staff are thankful to have the support from the district community and the Trust for the more efficient and effective machine in the hospital.

“We are very thankful for the hard work and dedication the community and the Trust has put into purchasing a CT machine for Naracoorte,” she said.

The new machine is currently servicing patients and is to continue supporting the upper south east for years to come.