Lobster fee relief ends

Photo: file

Charlotte Varcoe

FEE relief for southern rock lobster fishermen will come to an end this financial year with the State Government stating it will not continue.

Minister for Primary Industries Clare Scriven has confirmed the one-year 50 per cent fee relief would not roll over to the 2023/2024 financial year despite China still banning imports.

Ms Scriven said it was clear from the beginning the fee relief was one for one year, which was announced prior to last year’s state election.

“The notifications have gone out, which went to all license holders,” Ms Scriven said.

“I do not think this will be a surprise to anyone as it was only ever envisaged as a one-year relation program.”

She said so far she had received “one or two” pieces of correspondence about the fee relief, both of which asked whether it would continue.

“It has had very welcome feedback, but we are cautiously optimistic that the trade issues with China will be resolved in the near future with the Federal Trade Minister Don Farrell remaining in negotiations,” Ms Scriven said.

“There is certainly a lot of positivity there, especially around the fact that the timber imports were now back to China with the limitations being lifted.”

She said she hoped the same future was in store for the southern rock lobster industry, and that she believes the industry’s future was looking good.

“There is still high demand for a very high quality product which is work renown here in the Limestone Coast,” Ms Scriven said.

“I think the future of the industry is good notwithstanding the fact there are still large challenges at the moment.”