Students raise funs for Timor-Leste

Ruby Black, Mika Koch-Little, Chelsea Rutherford and Raine Scott. Pictures: Supplied

Sophie Conlon

STUDENTS from Tenison Woods College recently danced the night away at a charity ball to raise money for communities in Timor-Leste.

At least $8000 was raised on the night through ticket sales, a silent auction and donations, though the final tally had not been calculated yet.

College immersion coordinator Bernadette Fisher said the school community was looking forward to two upcoming trips to Timor-Leste in July and September this year.

“The team have been working hard to raise money to gift to the communities we will visit, including the BBQ at Sports Day, volunteering their time to usher at the recent Generations In Jazz event, and look forward to planning stalls and events for the upcoming Charity Day,” she said.

Ms Fisher said the money raised would be donated to communities the school would visit on their upcoming trips, such as the Bakhita Centre and the Dominican Orphanage.

A donation will also be made to the college’s sister school, San Francisco Xavier College, in Hatolia.

Funds will be used for infrastructure, educational programs, and daily operation costs at these facilities.