Mural officially unveiled

MURAL UNVEILING: Wattle Range Council Mayor Des Noll and artist Wendy Dixon-Whiley with members of the Kalangadoo Primary School governing council in front of the Mindfulness Mural. Picture: Supplied

Sophie Conlon

A MURAL at Kalangadoo Primary School painted by a former student has been officially unveiled, coinciding with a school assembly and Biggest Morning Tea fundraising event.

Governing council chair Naomi Denniss-Holmes said the Mindful Monsters mural was opened in front of the whole community, with special guests including Wattle Range Mayor Des Noll and mural artist Wendy Dixon-Whiley, on Tuesday, May 30.

“Members of the school governing council officially unveiled the mural and a selection of upper primary students gave a short speech thanking attendees, community members and the generous sponsors who helped to make the project a reality,” she said.

“Our sincerest thanks goes to everyone who supports our school and community, a permanent plaque displaying the list of donors is in the works.”

Ms Denniss-Holmes said students had been involved heavily in the mural process from beginning to end and were proud to see their work on display.

“The design came together following a workshop Wendy held with the students in which they each created their own mindful monster, all of which were later incorporated into the finished piece,” she said.

“The students can now see and share their creations daily, along with reminders about things that they each like to use as a means of mindfulness.”