Volunteer recognition

RECOGNISED: Citizen of the Year winner Sheryl Teigesser.

GRANT District Council will celebrate the community’s volunteers next week during National Volunteers Week.

The annual event is an opportunity to highlight the positive impact volunteers have on communities across the country.

This year’s theme is The Change Makers, representing those who are powerful and take action to make the world a better place.

Sheryl Teigesser – who received this year’s Citizen of the Year – is one resident recognised by Grant Council for her volunteer work at Donovans Country Fire Service, Donovans Recreation Advisory Council and Port MacDonnell SA Ambulance Service.

Ms Teigesser said volunteering provides a sense of fulfillment in her life.

“When you become a volunteer, you think about how it makes you feel and until you help someone then you see how it makes them feel. Volunteering is the most rewarding experience for anyone,” Ms Teigesser said.

Port MacDonnell local, Deb McInnes, was also a passionate volunteer spending time assisting at the Port MacDonnell Community Complex.

Ms McInnes said she quickly grew to love volunteering after volunteering for over 23 years.

“I first started when my daughter started kindergarten to get me out of the house,” Ms McInnes.

“It is a very fulfilling feeling when you have helped someone and put a smile on their face.”

Grant District Mayor Kylie Boston said she was grateful for the work of local volunteers.

“Volunteers are the backbone of our community, and without the generosity of their time, skills and energy, our community would not be as lively as it is today,” Ms Boston said.

“Now it is time to thank our volunteers for their selfless service and encourage others to get involved in their communities.”

Council will host its annual Volunteers Morning Tea to celebrate volunteers within the district.

Volunteers from any club, school or organisation in the council area are invited to come together at the Port MacDonnell Community Complex from 10:30am on May 17 for light refreshments and listen to local guest speakers.