Amazing Race provides youth fun

INCLUSIVE: Alien Invasion invited an extra terrestrial friend to join their Amazing Race team. Picture: Tyler Redway.

Aidan Curtis

AN AMAZING Race-style event held in Mount Gambier/Berrin has been heralded as a great success by its organisers.

headspace Mount Gambier once again hosted its annual Amazing Race on Thursday, April 20.

The event drew in around 60 competitors, who raced around town to find and complete a range of different activities.

headspace community liaison worker Nick McInerney said they were really happy with how this year’s Amazing Race panned out.

“We had nine different activities and they were all hosted by different community services,” Mr McInerney said.

“Some of them included first aid activities hosted by the ambos, SAPOL hosted a bit of an obstacle course, then MFS did an activity dragging a hose around and things like that, then there were word activities and puzzles.

“All positive feedback so far, everyone enjoyed it.”

Mr McInerney said it was a great way to get young people out and about for a day of fun during the April school holidays.

“There were a lot of people who were pretty worn out, it was a 3.4km track on top of activities,” he said.

“Overall, everyone seemed really happy and seemed to be buzzing afterwards.”