Fun in the sun at Field Days

GREAT SUCCESS: Alison Levy and Kevin Baker were pleased with the turn out of the 2023 South East Field Days. Picture: Sophie Conlon

Sophie Conlon

South East Field Day organisers have hailed the event a success, with crowds flocking to Yakka Park and soaking up the sun in Lucindale.

Field Days chairperson Kevin Baker said it was great to have the event back in full action and see the people spreading out over the whole event.

He said, as always, the event gave people the opportunity to learn all about the new technological advances in agriculture industries in a fun environment.

Publicly officer Allison Levy said it was great to see everyone coming together to learn new things.

“It’s amazing, the different technologies like on a farm, you don’t need to have everything, but it’s amazing,” she said.

“There was nothing like that growing up for us.”

Mr Baker said he was using new technology on his property and was pleased with how it was going.

“That’s what’s going to drive the future,” he said.

As well as great new innovations on show, the event had entertainment for the whole family.

Mr Baker said they changed how they laid out the attractions from previous years as they had found people congregated in one area and they wanted to stop that happening.

There was something for everyone with the Kelpie Korner hosting the SA Yard Dog State Championships, the Can Am stunt team, the scrap metal and scarecrow coopetition, the EJ Junk Yard Action Show, animals, and much more.

Being involved in the event for as long as he could remember, Mr Baker said the Field Days were possible thanks to the hard work of the many volunteers who give up their time to ensure it ran smoothly.

Agreeing, Ms Levy said it was great the event was run by the Lions and supported the community.

“It’s a really, really good community event, and it puts a lot back into the community for this region,” she said.

Mr Barker was also pleased they were able to run without Covid restrictions for the first time in a few years.

“Everyone’s round just doing their thing that they have done previously. So that’s working good,” he said.