Finding love at Oaks, even in slithery situations

Gwen Crouch was in the Valentine's Day spirit. Pictures: Sophie Conlon

Sophie Conlon

It has been an exciting week at Oaks Aged Care Facility, with carers organising a few extra celebrations and visitors.

On Tuesday, February 14, residents got into the spirit of love and celebrated Valentine’s Day.

Family and friends were invited and everyone wore red to commemorate the day of love, lifestyle assistant Beck Johnson said the day was about all kinds of love, not just romantic.

“It’s just a happy and fun day where all the families can come in and be involved, it’s just a great day to spread the love,” she said.

“Especially with the elderly because they absolutely love bringing up the memories, especially if you have ones like Gwen Crouch who have been together for such a long time and they have beautiful memories.”

Wendy Payne, who has worked at the facility for 24 years, said she had seen many kinds of love in her time.

She has seen residents share their wedding anniversary on Valentine’s Day and the love shared by husbands and wives who have entered care together.

Ms Payne said it was great to hear all the stories of how people had fallen in love and spent their lives together.

Resident Gwen Crouch said her favourite part of the day was having The 2 Of Us perform classic love songs.

“I think it’s good, and the live music is absolutely fantastic, the outside world doesn’t realise how much they help the older ones with a bit of music,” she said.

Ms Crouch, who was married to her late husband just shy of 75 years, said love meant everything to her and she did not think people could live without it.

“We got along well together, always did, I miss him like blazes, but you’ve got to go on,” she said.

As well as enjoying live music and dancing, residents were able to use a homemade photobooth and Ms Johnson said they also brought in pictures to make a Wall of Love display.

Later in the week, on Thursday, February 16, residents welcomed some cold blooded friends into their arms, when David Miles from South East Snake Awareness brought in some of his reptiles.

The residents and their families were taught about reptile safety and had the opportunity to ask Mr Miles questions about the snakes and lizards,

Most had a fun time passing around the animals, while a curious few sat in the corner and just watched, steering clear of the scaly creatures.

Ms Jonson said it was important to have unusual activities and involve family members as it increased stimulation for resident’s minds.

“Events like these, they really enjoy it,” she said.

“We just like to celebrate them all.”