Opposition visits region

REGIONAL TOUR: Leader of the Opposition David Speirs visits Mount Gambier for the fourth time since his leadership nine months ago.

Charlotte Varcoe

HOUSING, health and infrastructure were among the main concerns raised to the Leader of the Opposition David Speirs at a recent community meeting.

Monday night hosted an informal gathering between the State’s Shadow Cabinet and the community where concerns including the ongoing housing crisis, the inability to access radiotherapy in Mount Gambier and the condition of major highways in the area.

Community members also discussed the potential for Mount Gambier’s population growth and Mr Speir’s stance on nuclear power.

Speaking with The Border Watch, Mr Speirs said his fourth visit to the region since securing the position last year allowed him to identify issues which could be discussed moving forward.

“We have identified Mount Gambier as a really important region that we want to engage with and have that constant engagement with,” Mr Speirs said.

“Moving forward we are committed to turning up to Mount Gambier more and we have since discovered that healthcare is a big issue and have picked up that infrastructure is a major issue alongside coast protection and housing availability.”

He said as a result of the consistent meetings in Mount Gambier and in other regional areas, a regional housing policy would be released in the coming months.

Also touching on the city’s potential growth, Mr Speirs said affordable housing was key to increasing Mount Gambier population as well as community infrastructure.

“The Wulanda Recreation Centre is a good example of community infrastructure because it makes the region more desirable,” he said.

“It is a transformative building that shouldn’t be underestimated.”

Other issues Mr Speirs said the Shadow Cabinet would look closely at including land supply opportunities and regional roads.

He said the previous Liberal Marshall Government could have fast tracked infrastructure works including the improvements along major highways and that he would now begin discussions with Member for Barker Tony Pasin and Shadow Minister for Regional Roads Adrian Pederick to identify any other key areas.

“Although I won’t be in government for three years if I am fortunate enough to become Premier I can fight for things now and draw attention to these issues and use my position as Opposition leader to highlight those issues,” he said.