Playing for home crowd ‘something to brag to mum about’

LIVE MUSIC: Mount Gambier pop-punk group Chelsea Manor will take the stage at Stone and Dust Festival in November. Picture: supplied.

Aidan Curtis

LOCAL bands are getting hyped to perform at an upcoming music festival which is expecting to draw in a big crowd.

Mount Gambier pop-punk band Chelsea Manor is getting ready to unveil a fresh set at November’s Stone and Dust Festival.

While the band has performed all over the country with big-name acts, its members are excited for such a big gig at home.

Chelsea Manor drummer Michael Collins and bass guitarist Ivan Heenan told The Border Watch they do not play Mount Gambier often, so such a big show is going to be pretty special.

According to Mr Heenan, having crowds up and about again is going to be one of the best parts.

“[Playing here] is good, it’s something to brag to mum about,” he said.

“As much as I love playing shows, when someone is sitting down with a mask on, you can’t tell who is actually enjoying it or not, and it sucks.

“Just being able to run around, have fun on stage again and have a dance, it’ll be good and we’re looking forward to it.”

He said he is looking forward to lining up alongside the headline acts, but it is just as important to see other local bands up there too.

Mr Collins said the nerves have not yet set in, but he expects them to in the days leading up to the festival.

“I wouldn’t say you ever get used to it; every festival, every stage is going to be different,” he said.

“I just hope that people come to see all the local bands and have a good time when they’re there.”

He said the band has been preparing pretty well, with some new tracks recorded and others in the pipeline.

“We’ve got some new music we’ve just recorded, we’ve got some other music that we’re working on,” he said.

“The main preparation is mostly finishing songs so we’ve got new material to play to Mount Gambier instead of the same stuff we’ve played for the last three years.”

Chelsea Manor is currently getting ready for a tour in Tasmania in early October.