Lights out for half the city

GOING DARK: Traffic lights across the city went dark after a tree had fallen on powerlines on Lake Terrace last Saturday.

THE city of Mount Gambier suffered a major power outage over the weekend, with nearly 3000 properties going without power until it was restored later on Saturday afternoon.

The outage was caused by a falling tree, bringing significant damage to the power lines on Lake Terrace mainly due to the incredibly wild weather throughout the day.

Damages were also reported to powerlines on the Penola Road and Wireless Road intersection.

South Australian Police (SAPOL) parked themselves on the corner of Commercial Street West and Riddoch Highway to direct traffic due to the outage also affecting all traffic lights within the effect radius.

During the process of repairing the damages, one way traffic restrictions were put in place on the intersection of Penola Road and Wireless Road.

Restrictions were soon removed after powerlines were managed.