Big Barbie for Prostate Cancer

RAISING MONEY AND AWARENESS: Tony Burch, Brian Hueppauff, Ian Minge, Tracy Bryant (Limestone Coast Prostate Cancer Nurse), Tony Pasin MP, Alec Hamilton, Terry Galwey, Ian McInnes, Tony Duddy, John Hill, Malcolm Porter.

Over 24,000 men in Australia are diagnosed with prostate cancer every year.

Indeed prostate cancer kills more men than breast cancer women, yet awareness of these deadly statistics remains relatively low. In fact, prostate cancer kills over 3,500 fathers, friends and uncles every year.

In 2014 I first attended the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia’s Big Aussie Barbie at Parliament House, Canberra. It was there that the startling facts about the diagnosis and death rate of prostate cancer were made plain to me – it is the most common cancer diagnosed in Australian men. The Big Aussie BBQ aims to raise awareness and understanding of the disease and raise funds to support research and awareness programs.

Since 2015 I have held a Big Aussie Barbie at my office in Mount Gambier in partnership with the Limestone Coast Prostate Cancer Support group, raising thousands of dollars for the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia.

It is a privilege for me to be involved with the Big Aussie Barbie and the effort to shed light on a subject that for too long has been tabooed. I am excited to be holding my eighth Big Aussie Barbie tomorrow, from 11:30am.

Please come and join me to help raise funds for the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia to help bring the statistics down.

Tony Pasin

Member for Barker