Schools excel at show

Kangaroo Inn Agriculture teacher Deb Neale with students Dharma Baynes, Lucy Kellock and Harry Baker. Picture: Supplied.

SCHOOLS across the region attend the Royal Adelaide Show this month to compete in School Agriculture events.

Lucindale Area School, Kingston Community School, Naracoorte High School, Bordertown High School and Kangaroo Inn Area School all competed in show events over the last two weekends.

Kingston Community School student Amalie Turner placed third in the novice handler competition, while the school steer Beeamma Quimby was the highest point scoring Murray Grey School Carcase, second highest scoring Murray Grey carcase in overall competition and came in second in the school purebred heavy domestic carcase competition.

Kangaroo Inn Area School student Lucy Kellock was named Champion Novice Steer Handler and came second in the highest scoring Red Angus steer on hook competition.

Naracoorte High School led steers came first in the school purebred heavy domestic 452 to 485 kgs class, third in purebred steer heavy domestic 500 to 540 kgs, fourth in schools purebred export 630 to 696 kgs and won the SA Committee prize for best Black Angus carcase. The Led Steers team also came second in the most professional school show team award.

Bordertown High School came first in the export purebred carcase reserve champion competition, first in the prize for best grand parade presentation by a school, and two fourth places in the schools purebred heavy domestic 486 to 510 kgs and schools purebred heavy domestic 514 to 540 kgs.