Tillie’s newspaper experience

LEARNING ON THE JOB: Tillie Derrington was hard at work on the beat this week.

As a part of the year 10 PLP program at Tenison, we are required to complete a week of work experience at a workplace that is an interest to our future career choice.

I chose to do mine at the Border Watch to learn about journalism and what goes on in the background of putting the weekly newspaper together.

Over the four days at the Border Watch, I met many different people while taking photos for the socials page with Charlotte as well as writing different pieces.

I found it quite interesting listening to these different people around Mount Gambier and the way that journalists can make a story out of nearly everything.

I interviewed a couple of people about their opinions and how they go about doing different things in the community and made these interviews into stories.

Though, I found it slightly challenging to build up the confidence to talk to complete strangers about topics, I had little knowledge on, I learnt to engage in the conversations to ultimately learn something new.

On my first day of the experience, I was thrown in the deep end and taught how to use a proper camera to take photos at the NAIDOC Week opening celebrations.

Admittedly I did not really take into context of how the camera actually worked, just nodded my head, and hoped for the best- and I didn’t do a bad job.

I thoroughly enjoyed my four days at the Border Watch, it was quite a rewarding experience and great learning opportunity.