Yahl student receives big award

AWARD WINNER: Yahl Primary School student Will Finch has received the top award as part of the 2022 South Australian Dairy Association Cows Create Careers initiative.

YAHL Primary School student Will Finch has received the top award as part of the 2022 South Australian Dairy Association Cows Create Careers initiative.

Will received the Jeff Kernich Student Encouragement Award which is attributed to a student who demonstrates enthusiasm and commitment to the program.

Students and teachers from 35 schools across the State participated in the high-energy online event to celebrate their achievements as part of the project.

The initiative aims to increase the awareness of dairy industry careers during hands-on learning.

Students participated in industry-based games while recognising and celebrating student and teacher dedication to the project.

Jaydee Events director John Hutchison said it was encouraging to see students remain passionate about learning and connecting with the nation’s dairy industry.

“The presentation days are a great way to recognise and celebrate both the students’ and teachers’ dedication to the SADA Fresh Cows Create Careers project,” Mr Hutchison said.

“Each year we continue to be inspired by their enthusiasm for the project.”

Throughout the three-week program schools were provided with a dairy industry curriculum at no cost with local dairy farmers also teaching students how to care for calves.

Industry advocates also visited students and spoke about career pathways into the industry.

Other schools also received awards including Lucindale Area School receiving the Junior School Award.

Lucindale Area School students Maddi and Emily Hann, Hannah Kiefeland, Paige Pinchback received the Junior Team Award while Kingston Community School students Lexy Hayes, Taj Boundy, Aaron Lije, Mia Booker and Charley Robinson received the Senior Team Award.

Kingston Community School also won the Senior School Award.