48 Army Cadet Unit end of year presentation

Officer Commanding Australian Army Cadets, Captain Rod Wewer, right, with the 2021 cadets.

END of year parade for 48 Army Cadet Unit was held at its headquarters in Mount Gambier on December 11.

Supported by the Blue Lake Highland Band, the cadets paraded in front of family and friends and reviewing officer Lieutenant Rob Gun from Coorong Battalion Headquarters.

Awards were also presented.

Officer in charge of the cadets, Captain Rod Wewer said, despite Covid-19 induced interruptions, the cadet unit was still able to participate in several major activities including flag raising ceremonies on Australia Day, a recruit weekend, camp at RAAF Base Edinburgh, a range shoot at Murray Bridge, Anzac Day catafalque parties at Port MacDonnell and Millicent as well as participating in marches that day, a weekend at Deadman’s Swamp, field exercises at Noorla Yo-Long park near Rendelsham, in addition to a dining in night.

“The Australian Army Cadets is a leading youth development organisation that conducts its activities with a military type experience in a positive and safe manner,” Captain Wewer said.

Cadets can be 13 to 18 years of age and train Friday nights during school terms.