Naracoorte Lucindale Council in the black

IN THE BLACK: Naracoorte Lucindale Council corporate services director Fiona Stringer and chief executive Trevor Smart have released the draft annual business plan and budget for public consultation.

By Raquel Mustillo

ALMOST half of Naracoorte Lucindale Council’s ratepayers will experience a decrease in rates next financial year as under its draft annual business plan and budget.

Council is proposing a 1pc increase in general rates in 2021/22, estimating 2890 – or 46pc – of ratepayers will experience a decrease in rates as a result. 

Around two-thirds (67pc) of ratepayers will have a general rate increase of less than $52 next financial year, with another 13pc of properties having an increase of less than $100 for the year.

Naracoorte Lucindale expects to collect $10.7m in rates in the upcoming financial year, with almost half (56.6pc) derived from the primary production sector.

Council chief executive Trevor Smart was confident the proposed budget was an appropriate balance between the current economic climate and ensuring staff and elected members continued to deliver on the community’s expectation for effective services. 

“In 2021 we see the continued impact and recovery efforts of the COVID-19 pandemic and council has worked hard to retain a low rate increase to reflect the pressure on families at this time,” he said.

Despite the modest increase in general rate revenue and a proposed $11.5m for capital works and projects, Naracoorte Lucindale is estimating a $580,000 budget surplus – the only Limestone Coast council to be in the black in 2021/22. 

Council’s draft budget includes a $2m allocation to the redevelopment of the Naracoorte Library, which will be housed in the former Naracoorte Herald building on Smith Street. 

The recently released plans include creating a new extension to the library for a dedicated children’s and parent’s area, a social gathering and reading area and a refreshed street facade with new landscaping and urban seating.

Almost $700,000 has been allocated for continued upgrades of the Naracoorte Regional Livestock Exchange, including solid settling areas in the sheep yards and truck wash, a sprinkler system and yards and walkway improvements.

Council has allocated $240,000 to implement the Naracoorte Creek and Creek Walk Plan, which aims to establish a high-quality linear park through the Naracoorte township area, including the installation of weirs.

Lucindale will receive a upgrades to its skate park and centennial park, a pump track and town entrance and wayfinding signage as a result of a $323,363 allocation, while Frances has been allocated funds to implement its masterplan – including the installation of artwork, entrance statements and completion of the town centre focal point.

McTernan Park’s aged playground infrastructure will be replaced following a $177,000 allocation, while funding for major events including the Tour of the Great South Coast Bike Race, Fringe Festival and the World Heritage Run will continue.