Invasive crab species poses threat to industry

AN invasive crab species has been found in South Australian waters, highlighting a potential threat to the state’s seafood industry.

A male Asian paddle crab (Charybdis japonica) was found by a commercial crab fisherman with Primary Industries and Regional Development Minister Tim Whetstone announcing the discovery as “alarming.”

“Asian paddle crabs are an invasive species that threaten our local seafood industries and can be toxic if eaten by humans,” Mr Whetstone said.

“The Asian paddle crab is an aggressive, exotic crab that could spread diseases to our local prawns, crabs and lobsters and outcompete native species like our prized blue swimmer crab.

“We are asking all fishers – commercial, recreational and charter – who are out on the water to keep an eye out for this unwelcome species.

“We do not want the Asian paddle crab to establish in South Australia.”

Members of the community are urged to report any unusual crab sightings to Fishwatch on 1800 065 522.