SERVING Red Cross clients for two decades, Mount Gambier volunteer Barry Shephard has seen first-hand the difference volunteering makes.
Joining the organisation as a driver, Mr Shephard said he finds the Red Cross as a “good volunteering outfit” to work for.
“When we first started there was no such thing as an on-site person and you just went out and did what you had to do,” he said.
“It is a lot more organised now, however I still need to get used to GPS units.
“The progress that has been made over the past few decades has really taken away a lot of uncertainty that used to go with the work, everything is written down now and documented much better.”
It has not been all smooth sailing, with Mr Shephard recounting one long day on the job.
“There was once a lady here in Mount Gambier who needed to attend an x-ray appointment in Warrnambool so away we went,” he said.
“When we got there and she went to see the doctor she came back out and informed me there was a hiccup.
“She needed the dye in for four to six hours before the x-ray could be done so we were in Warrnambool for hours before she could have the x-ray and we could head home again.”