James Morrison.
MOUNT Gambier will play host to a major community group conference next weekend.
Several guest speakers and Mount Gambier’s own musician James Morrison are set to appear as the city comes alive with activity and entertainment once again.
Rotarians from across the South East and parts of Western Victoria will converge on the city for the annual Rotary District 9780 Conference.
Mount Gambier will host members from 59 clubs within the district for the first time in 13 years, with around 350 people expected to attend the three day conference on April 6, 7 and 8.
District Governor Ray Herbert – from Mount Gambier West Rotary Club – said the conference would involve a number of activities and be used as an opportunity to showcase Mount Gambier.
“We are going to be high profile in the centre of the town with most activities occurring at the Main Corner and Sir Robert Helpmann Theatre and it will be a good chance to engage with people who want to know more about service clubs,” Mr Herbert said.
“A number of forums will take place across the weekend, which will have a focus on peace, conflict and resolution, which is one of the six pillars of the rotary foundation, coming under the international theme of ‘making a difference’.”
A highlight of the weekend is expected to be the gala event “Erupt with Jazz” with James Morrison and Friends taking place at the Barn Palais on Saturday night.
“James Morrison is a world class performer and it will be a great night for people to come along to,” Mount Gambier West Rotary Club board member Matthew Dixon said.
“Tickets can be purchased at Exchange Printers and include a three-course meal and the opportunity to listen to the best in jazz music.”
The local Rotary clubs have also been able to attract world-renowned speakers to the event, including Gill Hicks, a survivor of the London bombings in 2005.
“Gill is a double amputee who was not expected to survive and she has now committed her life to talking about her experience and she will deliver a powerful speech about resilience next weekend,” Mr Herbert said.
“She will speak at a youth forum held at the Main Corner on the Saturday morning starting at 9.30am along with Stephanie Woollard, who is the founder and chief executive officer of the Seven Women organisation.”
Other notable people who will speak at the conference across the weekend include renal transplant nephrologist Professor Toby Coates, polio survivor Gary Newton and one of Australia’s leading scholars Greg Barton.
“We will also continue to promote our bushfire appeal over the course of the conference, which we have happening for Western Victoria and I think there is already $15,000 in that fund,” Mr Herbert said.
“Overall, we expect it to be a great weekend, where plenty of things will happen and the general public will have the opportunity to listen to some great speakers.”
Visit www.rotary9780conference.com.au to find out more about the Rotary District 9780 Conference and register attendance.