BREEZY conditions have made the fishing a bit tough over the last week, with most anglers being restricted to the inshore waters along the coast.
There seems to be some better weather on the horizon, so no doubt in the coming days, we will see some more nice fish.
The guys who did manage to find a small break in the weather had a hard time getting their baits to the bottom in the fast running tides.
Upping the sinker weights and keeping the boat on the move did the trick for Matt Sinkunas and crew who managed a nice mixed bag of flathead, latchet fish and a gummy shark.
There has not been much news on tuna, other than the cray boats have been seeing large groups of birds and dolphins working schools of baitfish, so generally, the tuna are not too far behind.
The surf fishos have managed some nice fish, with the hot spots being from Piccininni through to Browns Beach.
Mulloway and shark have been caught in reasonable numbers, but the elephant sharks have been the talk over the last few days.
We tend not to get heaps of elephants in our local area but we get a few good runs every season.
They have very nice white meat and are excellent eating, so do not be afraid to give one a go should you land one.
There have been some nice salmon caught, with Canunda’s beaches producing fish to 2kg and the salmon hole at Beachport has fish around 1kg.
The Coorong has remained good, with some nice shark and mulloway captures from the Tea Tree Crossing and above.
The snapper locally have been a bit quiet, largely due to the sea being crystal clear.
There has been a big stir over the last day or two which will no doubt see them fire up in the coming days.
There has still been some nice fish caught, with the early mornings and late evenings the best.
There have been some nice fish caught from the rocks at Orwells and Blackfellows Caves, so spending some time in these areas is definitely worth a crack.
The whiting numbers over the last week have been fairly good considering the clean water.
The Port MacDonnell breakwater is still consistently producing fish to 40cm for both the boaties and the jetty fishos.
The guys in boats around the Carpenter Rocks area have done well again, with some of their fish over 50cm.
I have heard of some nice catches of whiting in Portland over the last couple of weeks.
Blacknose Point and the front of the water tower have been the two most commonly mentioned places.
Squid have been excellent while the water is so clear, with some nice catches from the Port MacDonnell breakwater.
The jetty and boat anglers have all been in on the action, with the smaller 2.5 size jigs doing the bulk of the damage.
Colour has not been super important lately, but if one is not working, it does not hurt to change.
Beachport jetty has been fishing well, with some nice squid landed.
The third to half way along mark seems to be the best at the moment, but that can change from day to day.
Cape Jaffa marina has been just as reliable as ever and although the size has not been massive, there have been good numbers.
The inland fishing has been going gangbusters, with Redfin the hot topic, with both Toolondo and Rocklands fishing well.
The size has been 30-40cm, so they are a good eating size.
Trolled minnows and soft plastics have been the go-to lure of choice, but the bobbers and spinners when casting have been just as good.
Bait guys are using scrub worms or a small yabby and finding success.
The Glenelg River has fished well, with excellent numbers of mulloway in the estuary over the weekend.
Michael Gordon and Justin Robinson found good numbers below the poles on Saturday night, boating over 10 legal mulloway between them and a dozen or more lovely bream.
Several other anglers also found some great fishing in the same area, with some of those fish nudging the 90cm mark.
Upriver has been excellent for bream and estuary perch, with Saunders landing and higher the go-to area, though boat traffic can be a bit busy on good weather days.
The weekend’s forecast looks like it is going to settle down enough to allow us back onto the water, so no doubt we will have heaps to report then.
The Port MacDonnell Offshore Angling Club is holding its presentation day at the club rooms from lunchtime and encourages all members to pop down for the afternoon to wrap up what has been an excellent year on the water.
Lunch and refreshments will be available from around 12 noon.
Until next week, safe fishing.