FORMER Mount Gambier resident Samantha Iannella is leading the way in practicing medicine after last week being crowned the Australia and New Zealand Junior Doctor of the Year.

Awarded by the Confederation of Postgraduate Medical Education Councils (CPMEC) – who oversee each state and territory’s respective education and training committees for junior doctors – the award is presented annually to a junior doctor who has made a significant contribution to teaching and learning as a pre-vocational trainee in their workplace.
“It was a wonderful surprise and a huge honour, especially because the other nominees have done such incredible work in their home states,” Ms Iannella said.
“It is particularly meaningful because I was nominated by my peers – it gives me a great sense of pride the work we are doing to improve the training environment for junior doctors in South Australia is making a real difference.”
First deciding to pursue a career in medicine while studying at Grant High School, Ms Iannella has spent the past two years building up her skill set, trying her hand at general medicine, vascular surgery, emergency medicine and trauma medicine.
Currently working as a surgical resident between the new Royal Adelaide Hospital and the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, she said medicine brings together her people skills, interest in science and desire to pursue a varied and engaging career.
“Alongside my clinical work on the wards, I have been lucky to take on advocacy roles in groups like the Junior Medical Officers’ Forum and Doctors in Training Committee and to indulge my passion for education through the University of Adelaide Medical School,” she said.
Hoping to pursue surgical training after another year of rotations in different specialties, Ms Iannella said staying in South Australia is her goal.
“Ideally I’d love to stay in South Australia, working in the hospital system and helping to enhance the strong sense of community that exists among doctors and trainees,” she said.
“I’m looking forward to one day coming back and spending time working at the Mount Gambier Hospital if the opportunity presents itself.”