RISKS to the coastline of Southend will be canvassed at a community forum on October 25.
The coastline of Southend and Rivoli Bay are considered important community, natural and economic assets.
While storms have always had an impact on local beaches, the coast is increasingly being affected by sand erosion and has the potential for inundation.
Without action, coastal assets, public land and infrastructure near the coast at Southend will experience increased erosion and inundation risk.
Recognising the value of the coastline to the community, Wattle Range Council has initiated the development of the Southend Coastal Adaptation Strategy.
The project is supported by the Coastal Protection Board and the Local Government Association of South Australia.
The strategy will outline actions that could be taken to reduce the risk to natural and built coastal assets and infrastructure.
This could include protecting what is in place at present or understanding when in the future to move key assets and infrastructure to sites less exposed to erosion and inundation risk.
This strategy will complement the Southend Community Plan that is also being developed.
Council welcomes community input and the first public consultation meeting will be held from 6pm to 7.45pm on October 25 at the Southend Community Club.
A light supper will be provided.
Project consultants will be in attendance at the venue from 5pm onwards should there be any questions prior to the start of the meeting.
The focus of the first meeting will be on the inundation and erosion maps developed as part of the project.