Additional code of conduct complaint

A FURTHER code of conduct complaint has recently been lodged about behaviour of elected members at meetings of the Robe District Council and it is the third in this calendar year.

The latest complainant is Councillor David Loxton and he has alleged misbehaviour on the part of Deputy Mayor Councillor Harvey Nolan at last month’s regular meeting.

Cr Nolan had chaired the meeting in the absence of Mayor Peter Riseley.

According to Cr Loxton, Cr Nolan had prevented him from speaking on a report about another code of conduct matter involving him.

Details of the complaint are included in a 17 page report by council chief executive Roger Sweetman, which was tabled at the rescheduled August monthly meeting in Robe last

Mr Sweetman said council policy requires such complaints to be handled by the mayor or the deputy, but neither were willing to do so.

“The code of conduct complaint lodged by Cr Loxton against Cr Nolan has unusual characteristics which raise administrative issues,” Mr Sweetman said.

“These issues can be resolved if the two parties are prepared to act outside the guidelines established in the policy.

“I have formed the view the complaint by Cr Lorton is not of a nature or seriousness that it relates to criminal or corrupt behaviour, which would result in the complaint being forwarded to the

South Australian Ombudsman or the Office of Public Integrity for their investigation.”

Mr Sweetman said he suggested to both parties they refer the matter to an independent lawyer who undertakes the Local Government Association’s governance function.

“Cr Nolan has advised me by telephone that he has no objection to this complaint being managed in the manner suggested,” he said.

“Cr Loxton has corresponded with me stating that he wishes the complaint to be handled by the ombudsman’s office as he has no faith in the LGA governance processes.

“In light of the advice received from Cr Loxton, I have forwarded this complaint to the ombudsman’s office for investigation.”