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Tech support available

A BUSINESS networking event at the Main Corner Complex next weekend will allow people to have their technology and connectivity questions answered. Mount Gambier City...

Silence broken over hospital’s dark past

IN A dark room in the basement of the old Mount Gambier Hospital in the mid-1960s, a newborn baby was taken from a 14-year-old...

Judicial system ‘undermined’

MEMBER for Mount Gambier Troy Bell has accused state Treasurer Tom Koutsantonis of "under-mining" the state's judicial system in the wake of his repeated...

Mary MacKillop Memorial School exchange visit

MARY MacKillop Memorial School received a visit from Adelaide pen pal school Mary MacKillop College this month as they discovered the rich history and...

Rising Penola power prices

BUSINESSES in Penola are feeling the crippling impact of the state's dire power situation, with some looking to turn to solar options in the...

Wine Equalisation Tax reformed

LIMESTONE Coast Grape and Wine Council chairman Pete Bissell has welcomed adjustments to the Wine Equalisation Tax (WET), but flagged restrictions may still impact...

Development board mingles at Millicent

MILLICENT business operators and employees had the opportunity on Monday to have face-to-face discussions with members of the region's peak economic development body. A late...

Call system in use

PATIENTS and nurses are ringing in the new $110,000 integrated call system at the Millicent and District Hospital. The sophisticated call management system sends patient...

Duldigs suit up for new role

MILLICENT'S Tony and Di Egan will enjoy their first day of retirement tomorrow after one of the town's most loved businesses officially changes hands. After...

Protesters form blockade at gas drill site

CAMPAIGNERS against gas mining have declared they will not back down despite police warning they could be arrested if they repeat yesterday's blockade stunt. About...

School principal’s educational development

GRANT High School principal Fleur Roachock is striving to deliver the optimum educational platform and inspiring students to pursue their passions. From creating school communities...

Protesters on site as drilling rig arrives at Penola

MAJOR parts of a gas drilling rig are expected to arrive at Beach Energy's Haselgrove 3 well site this morning after leaving Moomba on...

Heated competition for shooters

IT was a tough monthly competition for the Mount Gambier Gun Club as the weather showed relentless heat during some close events. The opening event...