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Dulcie Huggan  TBW Newsgroup

Lymphoedema patients praise compression garment subsidy

AFTER years of advocacy, Mount Gambier residents diagnosed with lymphoedema are celebrating a reprieve from the high costs of compression garments following the establishment...
Peter Becker, Tony Pasin  TBW Newsgroup

Radio group scores federal grant windfall

A NATIONAL competition which uses radio signals to create a challenging scavenger hunt around the Mount Gambier district has received federal funding to bolster...
Minister Knoll Cropweb TBW Newsgroup

Job cuts foreshadowed with public service privatisation

THE State Government cannot guarantee contractors currently employed to provide services for public services such as schools and public housing will keep the work...
Port Mac Bras 4  TBW Newsgroup

Serious message behind fun tribute

PORT MacDonnell was transformed into a sea of colour this weekend as bras of every size adorned trees, the foreshore and even the bespoke...
David Galpin (5)  TBW Newsgroup

Border residents stuck in the middle

A WARRAWINDI farmer continues to navigate changing cross-border compliance measures that impact his interstate agricultural enterprise. Last week's introduction of tightened restrictions along the South...
Richard Try Jason Johnson  TBW Newsgroup

Skin cancer checks gain exposure

A NEW specialist skin cancer clinic will provide a streamlined service to detect melanomas and other skin cancers among the Limestone Coast community. With one...
Airport May Two   TBW Newsgroup

Council to lease ‘prime’ land

WATTLE Range Council is set to lease a parcel of prime farm land near Millicent to local farmer James Mowbray. The council has accepted the...
Ruth Cameron And Judi Paul  TBW Newsgroup

Love conquers all in pandemic

LOVED-UP Limestone Coast couples are adapting their big days to COVID-19 restrictions ahead of the spring wedding season, with guest caps and changing travel...
Fog Morning 3  TBW Newsgroup

Thick fog clears for sunny winter’s day

MOUNT Gambier residents woke to a thick blanket of fog over the city yesterday morning, impacting visibility across the district. While the fog eventually cleared...
Green Triangle Pine Plantation (1)  TBW Newsgroup

Forestry future groundwork laid

MILLIONS of specially-bred pine seedlings have been planted across the Green Triangle region in the search for the global forestry industry’s ideal tree of...
Linda Boylan (2)  TBW Newsgroup

Hotel patrons ‘pour in’ for free beer

AROUND 50 beers were served “on the house” at the South Eastern Hotel on Friday night as part of a Coopers Brewery promotion to...
Gnr Phoebe Conroy And Lbor Stephen Quinn20200713 Edit  TBW Newsgroup

State border control measures stepped up

THE Australian Defence Force officially started supporting police at Victorian border entry points over the weekend as patrols aim to stop COVID-19 spreading into...

Civic service into the future

With a heritage of more than half a century, there is lots that can be said about the Honda Civic. No navel gazing here,...