LIMESTONE Coast local government officials are expected to meet with South Australian Premier Steven Marshall today to champion a railway trail proposal which would link Naracoorte and Penola with a shared-use path.
Naracoorte Lucindale Council has already started constructing a 16km stretch of path suitable for both pedestrians and cyclists, allocating up to $200,000 for the project.
Wattle Range Council has also confirmed it is working with neighbouring councils to explore a linked trail network with plans to lobby the State Government.
The positive developments have been welcomed by Penola resident Wendy Hollick who remains hopeful the regional trail will become a reality.
“The concept of having a walking and cycling trail from the Naracoorte Caves to Penola is very exciting for the tourism initiative,” Ms Hollick said.
“It would bring a lot of benefits to the region by increasing tourism and a huge health benefit to residents living in the region.
“There are already cycling trails in a lot of other wine regions and this will bring us up to par with them.”
Having cycled regional trails across the globe, Ms Hollick said there were also safety benefits to come as a result of the project.
She said cyclists and walkers would be largely protected from traffic a have a safe place to ride or walk.
“It will target a broad spectrum of people and give them the opportunity to have a comfortable walk outside in fresh air with nice scenery,” she said.
“It is what many city dwellers are looking for these days and is a step in the right direction for the region.
“There is also major benefits for families and the opportunity for new businesses to open however there would also need to be facilities built along the way or signage for existing facilities.”
Wattle Range Council chief executive Ben Gower said if the proposal was to proceed, it would need to be a partnership-funded project alongside State Government with the land officially owned by the state.
“We think we are in the best spot for this and now we are coming up with some concepts to pitch to State Government when they are ready to look at it,” Mr Gower said.
“It is already in both our long-term financial plan and strategic plan and although no funding has been allocated yet, it has been on our radar as something we would be interested in doing if the opportunity came up.”
Mr Gower said Limestone Coast Local Government Association representative would meet with Premier Steven Marshall to help drive the agenda to keep the concept front of mind.
“It is all about keeping the communication between local and state government open because then we are able to maximise the chance of success,” Mr Gower said.
Naracoorte Lucindale Council chief executive Trevor Smart said construction of the Naracoorte Caves walking and cycling trail would be completed towards the end of the year.
Speaking on the proposal to link the trail to Penola and Coonawarra, Mr Smart said local government officials were using the opportunity as an extension on the Limestone Coast’s tourism sector.
“We view is as expanding our tourism offerings to go from the Naracoorte Caves to the Coonawarra region and providing the opportunity to walk and cycle where visitors could stay two to three nights in the region and experience our other offerings,” Mr Smart said.
“It is still early days but we are working on a proposal to put to the state government when we are ready to develop the trail.”