Vandals strike Millicent

Graffiti Again June 13  TBW Newsgroup
DESTRUCTIVE ACTION: Numerous structures in the Millicent township were the subject of graffiti attacks on the weekend. Picture: J.L. “FRED” SMITH

Graffiti Again June 13 TBW Newsgroup
DESTRUCTIVE ACTION: Numerous structures in the Millicent township were the subject of graffiti attacks on the weekend. Picture: J.L. “FRED” SMITH

VANDALS have gone on a weekend rampage in Millicent with over a dozen structures damaged by graffiti.

The “hot spot” was Holzgrefe Street with fences, SA Power Networks stobie poles, NBN boxes, SA Water sewerage vents and a Telstra phone booth under attack.

Graffiti using a thick black marker pen is also evident in the nearby DeGaris, Brooks and Stuckey streets.

Police Senior Constable First Grade Dave Muir said the incidents had been reported to police and investigations continued.

“Anyone witnessing graffiti or vandalism, is asked to call the Police Assistance Line on 131444,” he said.

Wattle Range Mayor Des Noll said he was sorry to hear of the attacks.

“I deplore this behaviour as it is unacceptable,” Mr Noll said.

“This stupid and unintelligent behaviour costs the community a lot of money.

“Be assured the police will investigate this matter and find the persons responsible.”

The latest wave of vandalism follows a similar spate of crime mid-way through last year.

Properties along Stuckey Street and Holzgrefe Street were again targetted along with such landmark buildings as the squash courts, ex-netball rooms, former railway station and the Pines Service Station.

Arguably the most expensive local incidence of graffiti in recent times occurred over the summer of 2017/18 when the decorative stone entrance sign near the Millicent cemetery was damaged.

The repair bill ran well into the four figures.

Millicent residents have also told The South Eastern Times of their disgust at the latest situation.

“The black texta looks shocking,” a local woman said.

“I am sick and tired of the graffiti.

“ I am absolutely disgusted as it spoils Millicent.

“Wattle Range Council should be congratulated for improving the look of Millicent with parks and landscaping.

“It is lovely and a pleasure to look at.”