LITTLE separates contestants in the Streaming with the Stars people’s choice award, with the virtual event finishing tomorrow night when a winner is announced.
Launched last month to encourage positive community spirit during the COVID-19 pandemic, voting has closed for the digital dance event which replaced the Stand Like Stone Foundation’s cancelled 2020 Swinging With The Stars fundraiser.
Hundreds of votes flooded in for the seven finalists, which put their own spin on the jive after being guided by a virtual dance lesson from Hype Dance Studio director Kim Cella.
Hello Friday director Ben Hood – who helped facilitate the online competition – said voting was close across the contestants with the people’s choice award hotly contested.
A Stand Like Stone director and judge, Mr Hood said he was pleased the event was well-received by the Limestone Coast community.
“We have always referred to Streaming with the Stars as a ‘friend-raiser’ for Stand Like Stone,” he said.
“We see people are struggling with COVID-19 at the moment and a lot of people are out of work and are doing it tough.
“This was just about having a bit of fun, letting people let their hair down by dancing or having a laugh with family and friends by watching the videos.”
Mr Hood said he was impressed with the efforts each entrant put in as all videos had an individual flare.
“There were some fantastic costumes going on, notably Robe District Mayor Alison Nunun and her dancing lobster,” he said.
“There was some amazing backgrounds as well including Stand Like Stone director Donna Edwards dancing in the pines which looked fantastic.
“It was also great to see Caroline Barr dancing along with her cat and Lauren Fox having a bit of a boogie with her young son as well.”
The judges and people’s choice winners will be announced online tomorrow at 7pm through the Stand Like Stone Foundation and Interactive Limestone Coast Facebook pages.