Penola entrance project proposed

Penola Sign  TBW Newsgroup
ENTRANCE SIGN PROPOSAL: The proposed sign for Penola which may be erected on both the northern and southern side of town.
Penola Sign TBW Newsgroup
ENTRANCE SIGN PROPOSAL: The proposed sign for Penola which may be erected on both the northern and southern side of town.

WATTLE Range Council was expected to reconvene discussions on a project for two key entrance points of Penola and new landscaping designs at this week’s monthly chamber meeting.

At the first face-to-face meeting in months, elected members were due to consider whether to proceed with the Penola township entrance sign after postponing debate on the issue earlier this year.

Council had made a previous commitment to fund $30,000, with an allocation of $10,000 from the Penola District Business and Tourism Association.

In March, elected members agreed not to proceed with the project until $10,000 had been received from the association.

The association has since made payment, with council engineering services director Peter Halton recommending council proceed with the project.

A budget variation of $55,000 will be required.

The project has been five years in the planning, with Penola’s business and tourism association commissioning a design studio in 2015 to complete a town entrance concept design.

The design – which included installation at three locations and allowed a budget of $40,000 was put forward for public comment and subsequently to council for approval.

Council assumed the management of the project late last year, with Mr Halton’s staff report saying “the project had stalled due to insufficient funding to deliver on the proposed scope and issues with positioning of the signs”.

The signs will be placed at the northern and southern entrances of the newly built Penola bypass and encourage to encourage visitors to visit the region.

Along with the signage, council discussed allocating a portion of its Federal Government Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program funding for landscaping.

Under the proposed allocation, $115,000 of the Federal funds will be used towards the signage and landscaping.

A staff report said both signage and landscaping were important projects “to bring tourists into Penola and mitigate the impact of both bypass and COVID-19 pandemic to the businesses in Penola”.

Penola District Business and Tourism Association president Rebecca Trotter said the signs will form a type of identity for the town and hoped it would encourage people to slow, stop and pass time in Penola.

“The signs will also establish and project an identity of the place,” Ms Trotter said.

“We are happy with the placement and myself and other representatives of Penola District Business and Tourism Association met with Peter Halton, Rick Paltridge and Dead Burrow in December to discuss the location of the entrance statements.

“The location is in accordance with the outcome of that meeting.”