Family and friends mark milestone in style with drive-by celebration

Sophie And Kylie Little  TBW Newsgroup
DRIVE-BY PARTY: Sophie Little (left) stands with her mother Kylie who organised a drive-by birthday party for her daughter's 21st.
Sophie And Kylie Little  TBW Newsgroup
DRIVE-BY PARTY: Sophie Little (left) stands with her mother Kylie who organised a drive-by birthday party for her daughter’s 21st.

RESTRICTIONS on gatherings and social interaction have changed many aspects of society since the COVID-19 pandemic took hold, with the traditional milestone birthday bash off limits.

However, the family and friends of Mount Gambier woman Sophie Little were not prepared to let her 21st birthday pass without any fanfare, recently arranging a drive-by party to mark the occasion.

Ms Little had originally planned a sports-themed birthday party and almost sent out invitations before the coronavirus  social- distancing guidelines were announced.

Accepting her birthday was likely going to be a quiet celebration at home, Ms Little was surprised after mother Kylie arrange a motorcade of well wishers.

With balloons and decorations scattered throughout the front yard, Ms Little was greeted by cars carrying family and friends to wish her a happy birthday from afar.

“I was definitely nervous as I hate surprises but it was pretty cool to have people I have not seen in a while come and wish my a happy birthday,” Ms Little said.

“One of my co-workers brought his family and made up a little routine and even performed it across the road which was amazing.”

Humbled by the gesture, Ms Little said it was a birthday to remember.

“The week leading up to my birthday I sat there and thought I would not be able to do much such as going out for lunch or even to a movie, I just would not be able to do anything I usually would have been able to do,” she said.

“I expected to just be sitting at home half the day, which is not the best feeling knowing it is one of the biggest birthday celebrations people can

However, May 3 took a unique turn for Ms Little after the customary family  meal.

As restrictions start to ease, Ms Little hopes to arrange a belated birthday party to celebrate in style.

“Depending on how much later I can host my party I think I will look into re-doing it, but I have also considered just hosting it on my 22nd birthday instead,” she said.

“Overall my family and boyfriend did an amazing job of making it feel like a special day and it really will be a day I will not forget.”