Doting Mount Gambier dad takes classic cubby house building to the next level

Evie And Jeremy TBW Newsgroup

Cubby House  TBW Newsgroup
IMPRESSIVE BUILD: The cubby house is two storeys and when it is complete it will feature a slide, swing, seesaw and sandpit for Evie to play in. Picture: TODD LEWIS

A DREAM cubby house has become a reality for one Mount Gambier toddler thanks to a building masterclass by her perfectionist father.

After several trips to gather supplies and many hours on the tools, Jeremy Flier has almost completed an impressive two-storey playhouse.

With just a swing and a seesaw to be added to the play-space over the coming weeks – the brand new cubby has his two-year-old daughter Evie smiling from ear to ear.

Using online platforms for inspiration, Jeremy’s commitment to the project over the last six months has amazed wife Ashlee.

“He always said he wanted to build his daughter a cubby house – he’s pretty creative – and he decided it needed to be two-storey,” she said.

“He’s done it all himself – the building, the painting, the decking – he’s spent hours on it and everything is perfection.”

Ms Flier said the structure had to meet their daughter’s demands, which came thick and fast as the build progressed.

“She wanted a sandpit, so he did a sandpit, then she asked for a swing, so he was like ‘alright I’ll do a swing’ and the latest request is a seesaw,” she said.

“She absolutely loves it – as soon as we get home from child-care she just wants to go out and play in her little house.”

Not only has it impressed the family, but it has also caught the eye of many passersby and friends, with the spectacular structure clearly visible from the adjacent highway.

“I have random people message me saying ‘that cubby house is impressive’ because they have driven past and seen it,” she said.

“I had one lady come in and ask if their children could have a look through the cubby – there has been some awesome feedback.”

Mr Flier built the cubby house on his parent’s property and Ashlee said his late mother and father would be particularly proud of him.

“They would be so proud if they were here to see what he has created for their granddaughter,” Ashlee said.

“This was their house that we are now living in and the cubby house is a masterpiece he wanted to create to make his mum and especially his dad, happy.”

With COVID-19 preventing Evie from sharing her brand new home with her friends, Ms Flier anticipates a busy “grand opening” when restrictions are eased.

“With this isolation stuff we have not had children over here, but I am sure when it’s all over she can have a bit of a party to celebrate,” she said.

“One positive about the restrictions is that it has certainly accelerated the build because there has not been much else for him to do.”