A RANGE of extraordinary measures are being taken at the Medical Clinic Millicent to reduce the risk of COVID-19.
Speaking on behalf of the eight doctors of Medical Clinic Millicent, practice manager Kerri Betts said the priority was the health and safety of patients, team members and the community as a whole.
“We believe we have an essential role in reducing the risk of COVID-19 in the community,” Ms Betts said.
“The Short Street practice is following the guidance of the Federal Government and World Health Organization and their recommendations to minimise the spread of the virus.
“The Medical Clinic Millicent has always taken pride in our cleaning processes and sterilisation but we have raised the bar given the current risk.
“We ensure that all seats, benches, door handles and any surfaces that are frequently touched are cleaned at regular intervals during the day.
“We also have daily professional cleaners as usual.”
Ms Betts said the practice had changed the way it offered appointments.
“This means that every person will be screened for flu symptoms before any appointment can be made,” she said.
“We will be asking you the following questions:
“Have you have been overseas?
“Have you been in contact with a person who has confirmed COVID-19?
“Do you have any cold or flu symptoms?
“If you answer yes to the either of the first two questions you will be asked not to come to the practice but to ring the COVID-19 hotline.
“If you answer yes only to the third question regarding cold or flu symptoms, we will ask you to ring us on arrival and wait in your vehicle until the doctor is ready to see you.
“You will need to put a mask on before entering our building on Short Street.
“We have also set up a dedicated room for anyone with cold or flu symptoms.”
Ms Betts said all team members at the Medical Clinic Millicent are provided with up to date guidance and information on social distancing and hand hygiene.
“Rest assured, our practice remains open and our team is ready to help our patients as usual.
“We are taking all appropriate measures to provide a safe environment for doctor visits,” she said.
“Our aim will keep the Medical Clinic Millicent and its staff free from COVID-19 and to provide a safe environment for patients to attend.
“If our patients do feel unsafe at any time, they are asked to please speak to the reception staff who may be able to offer them other options to speak with their
“We are at present looking into having our usual flu vaccination clinics offsite to ensure social distancing.”