An overview of the impact on domestic violence in local communities will be addressed in a public forum by Millicent police officer-in-charge Senior Sergeant First Class Rick Errington.
He has lived in Millicent for the past decade and also has oversight of stations at Beachport, Robe, Kalangadoo, Penola and Kingston.
Sgt Errington will address elected members at next month’s Wattle Range Council meeting.
The issue of domestic violence was raised by elected members at the March monthly meeting with Cr Neagle submitting a notice of motion which won unanimous support.
Council resolved to deplore domestic violence and urge all of its residents to actively advocate and act for victims to intervene through reporting incidents to SAPOL.
In a prepared statement lasting a few minutes, Cr Neagle said statistics reveal an average of one woman per week a week is killed in Australia.
She said indigenous women were 30 times more likely to be victims of domestic violence than the general female population.
“There are also statistics on men who are victims in heterosexual relationships and male and female victims of domestic violence in homosexual relationships,” Cr Neagle said.
“It may seem that as a council we can do little to alleviate the problem of domestic violence.
“My aim with this motion will prompt conversations, to listen and to take action when we perceive that domestic violence is happening.
“Domestic violence impacts many hidden aspects of our communities.
“What we say, do and advocate has influence within our communities.”
Her motion was seconded by fellow educator and Corcoran Ward representative Cr Graham Slarks.
In his role as school principal, Cr Slarks said he was well aware of the extent of domestic violence going by the increasing numbers of court orders.
Cr Slarks was highly critical of decisions of the Family Court which, in his view, forced visitations on some families.
When the Cr Neagle motion was put, it was unanimously accepted by all present.
Cr Dale Price then asked for a division and so the names of all nine councillors were recorded in the minutes.