A ROTARIAN heavily involved in the organisation of Mount Gambier’s Rotary Community Market has spoken about his disappointment the weekly event will end.
Involved with the market for over a decade, coordinator Willem Moors recalls the former Fletcher Jones building being full of people each Saturday.
“Our club was the first to open a market which was held on a weekly basis in Mount Gambier,” he said.
“I have enjoyed my involvement over the years and I have been here every Saturday morning since I began my involvement.
“My wife is going to be upset when she hears I am going to be home now so hopefully I can find something to do in my spare time.
“I will no longer be able to walk the aisles and find something for my wife or myself.”
Reminiscing about the community event, Mr Moors said the market was originally opened from 11am to 3pm.
“We understood shops were open until 2pm on a Saturday so we tried to make sure we were not having impact on store sales,” he said.
“When the traders understood we were not causing too much disruption, we brought it forward to 9am and then again to 8am.”
Mr Moors said one of his most rewarding achievements during his involvement was establishing Rotary’s pre-loved goods stand.
“We began it as a way raise over $15,000 for Interplast – a not-for-profit organisation involving volunteer surgical treatment,” he said.
“The whole journey has been great fun … it has not just been about turning up on a Saturday morning for me but the process behind rostering people on and the organisation.”
The long-serving club member said he was disappointed as he did not want to see the event close so soon.
“I thought we would have let it go over the summer period as that is when you get people here,” he said.
“The club decided it would be good to make it short, sharp and shiny.”
The final market will be held from 8am today.